Sea Shepherd

Monday, August 10, 2009




-​​-​​-​​-​​-​​-​​-​​-​​-​​-​​-​​-​​-​​-​​-​​-​​-​​ Bulletin Message -​​-​​-​​-​​-​​-​​-​​-​​-​​-​​-​​-​​-​​-​​-​​-​​-​​
From: Global Wildlife Warriors (491992748)
To: (114315459)
Date: 4/08/2009 12:41:54 PM

Here is a communique that just came in from one of our members.

Our First Target. A Call to Arms - Please Repost

Dear Friends!

There's a huge display of Shark Cartilage products in this store called Nutrition House. I tried earlier to educate them about the situation, sent letter and called the store.
Please, if you have a minute, re-send this letter below or modify it OR CALL THE STORE or write YOUR OWN LETTER if you prefer!!


The letter's been written by Bob Timmons, Endangered Marine Animal Artist & Animal Activist for an earlier campaign and he's given me permission to use it for any purpose in saving sharks - I modified it specially for Nutrition House
(His website is: http:​​​/​​​/​​​www.​​​bobtimmons.​​​org/​​​)

The store is:

Nutrition House
1194 Robson St.
Vancouver BC

PH: 604 632 0047
email: customersupport​@​​​nutritionhouse.​​​com
500 mg Shark Cartilage

(they have an 'online expert' for questions, and the shark cartilage can't be found in their online store but it's been here at the Vancouver store for a while)

Please also forward to others, post it on bulletins, Facebook, contacts etc, we need this store to stop selling shark products!!

Greetings and thanks so much!

Vancouver BC

To whom it may concern,

Nutrition House
1194 Robson St.
Vancouver BC

Dear Nutrition House,

We are contacting you regarding one of your product sold for human consumption, the 500mg Shark Cartilage.
There's a huge display of Shark Cartilage products in your store at this address: 1194 Robson Street, Vancouver BC,

We are involved in an International Shark Campaign to help sharks which are endangered species of our oceans.
We believe it would be much appreciated if Nutritional House would rethink this option in their store to help our planet and keep sharks in the oceans.

The planet's shark numbers have declined more then 90% the last couple of decades and they have been around for 400 million years. Majority of the declined numbers are due to long-lining and the shark finning industry, where the sharks are caught and their fins are cut off and the body is thrown back into the ocean alive to drown. We are looking at all shark products equally since every shark product sold aids to the decline on a multi-level combination.
A serious health problem with eating or using shark products is the Methyl Mercury that it contains. Mercury that is known to cause significant health issues for pregnant women and children. In August of 2009 we will be receiving laboratory documentation from China that will show the concentration of this poison. Methyl Mercury is due to pollution of our oceans and works its way up through the ecosystem chain and makes it to the top predators being the Shark, Tuna, etc. The concentration of methyl mercury increases with the sharks since they live long lives. This concentration is said to be 10 to 100 times the legal limit allowed for human consumption. We will have this information available for you next month if you're interested in reading the report.In addition to the risks posed by consuming sharks personally, there are significant health risks for our planet. Sharks control an ecosystem that produces more oxygen than all the rain forests combined, removes half of the atmosphere’s man made carbon dioxide (greenhouse gas), and controls our planet’s temperature and weather. As the apex predator of the oceans, the role of sharks is to keep other marine life in healthy balance and to regulate the world’s largest and most important ecosystem. Removal of the sharks and the ocean's ecosystem balance will seriously upset this planet. The Nutrition House, with its recommendations​,​​​ is contributing to this issue, offering individuals to use endangered species that are critical components in our oceans' delicate ecosystems.
Please think ethically and do not sell any shark products to help save the 250 shark species in decline and the health of your patrons, the ocean, and the planet.

For your information, please look up the following website and take time to view this exceptional documentation of the cruel business of shark finning:http:​​​/​​​/​​​www.​​​sharkwater.​​​com/​​​

Thank you for your time,

International Shark Campaign

The healing power of pets

By Tijn Touber, Ode magazine

A unique American organization, Helping Hands Monkeys, trains monkeys to help paralyzed people function better in their daily lives. Many who are paralyzed spend hours each day by themselves, so the monkeys can be important in helping them get along without professional caregivers as well as a source of companionship. The monkeys bring food and drinks, help feed the paralyzed person, pick things up that are out of reach, put on a CD or video, and turn lights on and off.

While monkeys are exceptional in the what they can do, all kinds of pets have a positive, healing effect on their owners. Studies reveal that having a pet is a better remedy against high blood pressure than commonly prescribed medications. A pet appears to be the strongest social indicator in predicting recovery from a serious heart condition. More and more often, doctors prescribe a pet for loneliness, depression, stress and other emotional problems. In the United States, half of all doctors reported they sometimes prescribe a pet to their patients.

Studies show that older people with pets pay considerably fewer visits to the doctor. Up to 16 percent less, according to professor Judith Siegel of the School of Public Health at the University of California. That percentage is even higher for dog owners, reaching over 20 percent. According to Australian research, the presence of house pets in households saves the Australian government some 800 million to 1.5 billion US dollars a year in health costs.

Psychologists have long realized the healing power of pets. In the 1950s child psychologist Boris Levinson often had difficulty reaching his traumatized patients, until the day that his dog Jingles wandered into the treatment room, His young clients were pleased and spontaneously opened themselves up to the dog, and thus also to Levinson. He was the first to write about “the dog as co-therapist.”

Forty years later, many therapists make grateful use of the intimate bond between humans and animals. People experience pets as non-judgmental and unconditional in their affection, and so clients often consider the animal an ally, which helps foster a spirit of mutual trust and open sharing in therapy sessions. Because animals are often funny or endearing, they help dissipate the tension around a therapy session. Children, in particular, often talk more easily to an animal than a human. Sometimes all the therapist has to do is bring up an issue and then observe where the child and animal take it.

There are countless well-​documented examples of successful animal-​assisted therapy. A little boy who begins to heal his partially paralyzed hand by petting a dog. Abused children and prisoners who train a dog to learn how to not repeat the abusive behavior they have experienced. Autistic children who learn to communicate through contact with dolphins.

Animals have the potential to play a much greater role, particularly in hospitals and care institutions. A friendly dog can perform miracles with critically ill patients. Even a few fish in a fishbowl helps ease tensions in a dentist’s waiting room. Research has repeatedly shown that taking care of an animal (or even a plant) makes people happier and helps them live longer. Could this be because animals and plants can listen so well without ever contradicting us? A study of Canadian doctors once discovered that listening is the most important ingredient in healing. Dr. Samuel Corson, an expert in the area of animal therapy at Ohio State University puts it this way: “A dog is man’s best friend because he wags his tail and not his tongue.”