Sea Shepherd

Monday, November 26, 2007

Political Victory For The Whales

Political Victory for the Whales

The Labor Party of Australia has won the election and they have won by a landslide and this could be wonderful news for the whales ofAntarctica.


Because Peter Garrett, two weeks ago as the former Shadow Minister for the Environment said that his government if elected would send a naval vessel to the Southern Oceans to monitor the Japanese whaling fleet. Mr. Garrett also promised to take a much more aggressive position against Japanese whaling activities.

The former Liberal government were outspoken against whaling but did very little to actually stop the Japanese from continuing with their illegal activity.

Hundreds of people have notified the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society that they voted Labor because of the threat to the whales. Labor now has the opportunity to demonstrate that they will be a government of their word.

The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society expects to see an Australian Naval vessel dogging the pirate Japanese whaling fleet this year. Australians are incensed that Japan is targeting endangered humpback whales.

"What Japan is doing is deliberately insulting Australians by saying we are going to kill humpbacks, we may even kill Migaloo and there is not a thing that you can do about it because your government does not have the guts to stop us," said Captain Paul Watson.


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