Decades ago, Tintin landed on the moon; a childhood dream set in a comic-book world. Fifteen years later in the actual world, mankind's dream became reality with Apollo 11 and Neil Armstrong! Having set foot on the moon, manned missions to planet Mars are now the next frontier. American, Russian and European space explorers have set up several programs to make this happen.
Unfortunately, not all participants in space test programs are there voluntarily. In the past defenseless animals, such as monkeys, have been sent on space missions against their will. What's worse, as you read this, history is repeating itself.
Animal advocate groups Anti Dierproeven Coalitie and Animal Defenders International urgently call on Space Agencies worldwide not to send monkeys into space once again.
Currently a group of primates is awaiting their space voyage in a Russian laboratory. The researchers involved have put photographs online that show how the animals are 'prepared'; they are placed in so-called primate chairs, leaving them practically unable to move. The only movements they can make are aimed at forcing them operate a control mechanism attached to a computer. In order to make sure the monkeys cooperate they are deprived of water and food. Only when the animal performs a task as intended by the researchers it is rewarded with a drop of water or a piece of fruit.
Please send the example letter to the following email adresses and ask for the immediate release of the monkeys!
Thank you again.. This is a very important action for us. I hope you do the mailing.
Example letter:
To whom it may concern,
As a concerned citizen I appeal to you to halt the studies on monkeys. The monkeys who are used in the space project Mars500 are locked up in small cages and forced to participate in a project that was forcibly imposed upon them.
The Mars500 project will include sending monkeys into space for over 520 days. We respectfully ask you to halt the use of monkeys.
Monkeys are not on this planet to be used and experimented on, let alone to be sent into space! They are sentient and intelligent beings with a rich social life.
I support the campaign of the animal rights organisations Animal Defenders International and the Dutch/Belgian Anti Dierproeven Coalitie.
(Your name)
(Your Country)
On the other hand, please find attach a couple of petitions you might not object to sign..
Asli Han
Stop Animal Testing in Trinity College
UW Madison Is Experimenting on Monkeys Ethical? Please Sign Petition
Stop gruesome and unnecessary experiments!
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